
Publications by RRT, Necsa

OSCAR-5 is both an industry support and research tool,

 and work related to development of various parts of the OSCAR-5 system has been widely published. Below you can find a collection of the most prominent publications and academic outputs related to the development of OSCAR.

  1. Müller, E.Z., “Environment-insensitive equivalent diffusion theory group constants for pressurized water reactor radial reflector regions”, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 103/4 (1989), 359–376. [Link]

  2. Müller, E.Z., “Improved Pressurized Water Reactor radial reflector modeling in nodal analysis”, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 109/2 (1991), 200–214. [Link]

  3. Müller, E.Z. and Weiss, Z.J., “Benchmarking with the multigroup diffusion high-order response matrix method”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 18/9 (1991), 535–544. [Link]

  4. Weiss, Z.J. and Ball, G., “Ray-tracing in complicated geometries”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 18/8 (1991), 483–488. [Link]

  5. Stoker, C.C. and Weiss, Z.J., “Spatially dependent resonance cross sections in a fuel rod”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 23/9 (1996), 765–778. [Link]

  6. Ball, G., “Reactor calculations in aid of isotope production at SAFARI-1”, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 257/1 (2003), 65–70. [Link]

  7. Prinsloo, R.H. and Tomašević, D.I., “The analytic nodal method in cylindrical geometry”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 238/11 (2008), HTR-2006: 3rd International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology, 2898–2907. [Link]

  8. Colameco, D.V. et al., “A comparison between recent advances in cylindrical nodal diffusion methods”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 132/3 (Nov. 2009), 032901. [Link]

  9. Živanović, R. and Bokov, P.M., “Cross-section parameterization of the pebble bed modular reactor using the dimension-wise expansion model”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 37/12 (Dec. 2010), 1763–1773. [Link]

  10. Moloko, L.E. and Belal, M.G. A.H., “Improved SAFARI-1 research reactor irradiation position modeling in OSCAR-3 code system”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 58/4 (2011), 1907–1912. [Link]

  11. Adetula, B.A. and Bokov, P.M., “Computational method for global sensitivity analysis of reactor neutronic parameters”, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2012 (2012). [Link]

  12. Bokov, P.M., “Asymptotic analysis for the variance-based global sensitivity indices”, Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2012 (2012), 1–8. [Link]

  13. Van Heerden, F.A., “A coarse grained particle transport solver designed specifically for graphics processing units”, Transport Theory and Statistical Physics, 41/1-2 (2012), 80–100. [Link]

  14. Botes, D. and Bokov, P.M., “Polynomial interpolation of few-group neutron cross sections on sparse grids”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 64 (2014), 156–168. [Link].

  15. Müller, E.Z., “On the non-uniqueness of the nodal mathematical adjoint”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 64 (2014), 333–342. [Link]

  16. Prinsloo, R.H., Tomašević, D.I., and Moraal, H., “A practical implementation of the higher-order transverse-integrated nodal diffusion method”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 68 (June 2014). [Link]

  17. Rosenkrantz, A. et al., “Coupled 3D neutronics/thermal hydraulics modeling of the SAFARI-1 MTR”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 73 (Nov. 2014), 122–130. [Link]

  18. Alferov, V.P. et al., “Comparative validation of Monte Carlo codes for the conversion of a research reactor”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 77 (Mar. 2015), 273–280. [Link]

  19. Schlünz, E.B., Bokov, P.M., and Van Vuuren, J.H., “A comparative study on multiobjective metaheuristics for solving constrained in-core fuel management optimisation problems”, Computers & Operations Research, 75 (2016), 174–190. [Link]

  20. Schlünz, E.B. et al., “A unified methodology for single- and multiobjective in-core fuel management optimisation based on augmented Chebyshev scalarisation and a harmony search algorithm”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 87 (2016), 659–670. [Link]

  21. Botes, D., Chifamba, S., and Bokov, P.M., “A study of the performance of a sparse grid cross section representation methodology as applied to MOX fuel”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 99 (2017), 444–454. [Link]

  22. Schlünz, E.B., Bokov, P.M., and Van Vuuren, J.H., “Multiobjective in-core nuclear fuel management optimisation by means of a hyperheuristic”, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 42 (2018), 58–76. [Link]

  1. Weiss, Z.J. and Joubert, W.R., “Alternative Methods of Solving Response Matrix Equations”, in Proceedings of an International Topical Meeting on Advances in Mathematics, Computations and Reactor Physics (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 28 April - 2 May 1991).

  2. Joubert, W.R. and Weiss, Z.J., “A Nodal Solution of the Interface Partial Current Equations”, in Proceedings of the 1992 Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics, ii (Charleston Sheraton, Charleston, SC, USA, 8–11 March 1992), 35–45.

  3. Vogel, D.L. and Weiss, Z.J., “A General Multigroup Formulation of the Analytic Nodal Method”, in International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics (Charleston, South Carolina, USA, 8–11 March 1992).

  4. Muller, E.Z. et al., “Development of a core follow calculational system for research reactors”, 9th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference: Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology – Pacific Partnership; Proceedings of the, Barton, A.C.T.: Institution of Engineers (Sydney, Australia, Jan. 1994), 1047–51.

  5. Reitsma, F. and Müller, E.Z., “Evaluation of the Use of Nodal Methods for MTR Neutronic Analysis”, 17th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, 18-23 September 1994).

  6. Müller, Erwin Z. and Wiederhold, A.W., “Selected Non-Linear Iterative Schemes for the Multigroup Analytic Nodal Method”, in International Conference on Mathematics and Computations, Reactor Physics, and Environmental Analyses (Portland, Oregon, USA, 30 April – 4 May 1995).

  7. Reitsma, F. and Joubert, W.R., “A calculational system to aid economical use of MTRs”, in International Conference on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM’99) (Brugges, Belgium, 29–31 March 1999).

  8. Tomašević, D.I., “A Higher Order Flux Reconstruction Method”, in M&C’99 : Mathematics and Computation, Reactor Physics and Environmental Analysis in Nuclear Applications, ed. J.M. Aragonés, C. Ahnert, and O. Cabellos (Madrid, Spain: Senda Editorial, S.A., 27-30 September 1999), 782–787.

  9. Reitsma, Frederik and Müller, Erwin Z., “Flexible Exposure and Nodal Mesh Treatment in the 3D Nodal Simulator MGRAC: Application to a MTR Case with Axially Movable Assemblies”, in PHYSOR-2002, International Conference on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology: Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing, Seoul, Korea (Seoul, Korea, 7–10 October 2002).

  10. Tomašević, D.I., Joubert, W.R., and Müller, E.Z., “Asymptotic Solution of the Transverse Integrated Diffusion Equation in a Near-Critical Node”, in International Conference on Nuclear Mathematical and Computational Sciences (Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA, 6–11 April 2003).

  11. De Leege, P.F.A. and Reitsma, F., “HOR: Criticality Comparison Using a Nodal Code, Monte Carlo Codes and Plant Data”, in PHYSOR 2004 - The Physics of Fuel Cycles and Advanced Nuclear Systems: Global Developments (Chicago, Illinois, USA: American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL, 2004).

  12. Moloko, L.E., “Improvement and validation of OSCAR-3 Usage in SAFARI-1 Nuclear Reactor core modelling focus on core follow calculations and Mo-99 target plate irradiation”, in Proceedings of SAIP2005, the 50th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics (University of Pretoria, South Africa, 5–7 July 2005).

  13. Akdeniz, B. et al., “Consistent Neutron Kinetics Data Generation for Nodal Transient Calculations”, in PHYSOR-2006, ANS Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics (Vancouver, Canada, 10–14 September 2006).

  14. Moloko, L.E., Prinsloo, R.H., and Graham A.L., “Impact on core parameters due to Mo-99 target plate inclusion in SAFARI-1 modelling”, Transactions of the 10th International Topical Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management, European Nuclear Society (ENS) in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (Kempinski Hotel Zografski, Sofia, Bulgaria: European Nuclear Society, 30 April – 3 May 2006), 330–334.

  15. Müller, E.Z., Reitsma, F., and Krüger, P.P., “A Stable Nuclide Transmutation Procedure Free of Numerical Roundoff”, PHYSOR-2006, ANS Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics (Vancouver, Canada, 10–14 September 2006).

  16. Prinsloo, R.H. and Tomašević, D.I., “Development of the Analytic Nodal Method for Cylindrical Geometry for PBMR Application”, Proceedings of High Temperature Reactor 2006 Meeting (Johannesburg, South Africa, 1–4 October 2006).

  17. Bokov, P.M. and Prinsloo, R.H., “Cross-Section Parameterization Using Quasi-Regression Approach”, Joint International Topical Meeting on Mathematics & Computation and Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (M&C + SNA 2007) (Monterey, California, April 15–19 2007), 15–19.

  18. Prinsloo, R.H. and Tomašević, D.I., “Treatment of the central singularity in the conformal mapping approach to the analytic nodal method in cylindrical geometry”, Joint International Topical Meeting on Mathematics & Computation and Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (M&C + SNA 2007) (Monterey, California, 15–19 April 2007), 15–19.

  19. Bokov, P.M. et al., “A quasi-regression method for automated cross-section parameterization: PBMR benchmark example”, in PHYSOR’2008 - International Conference on Reactor Physics, Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource (Interlaken, Switzerland, 14–19 September 2008).

  20. Sekhri, A. et al., “Thermal-hydraulic modelling of the SAFARI-1 research reactor using RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.4”, PHYSOR’2008 – International Conference on Reactor Physics, Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource (Interlaken, Switzerland, 14–19 September 2008).

  21. Stander, G. et al., “OSCAR-4 code system application to the SAFARI-1 reactor”, PHYSOR’2008 – International Conference on Reactor Physics, Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 14–19, 2008 (Interlaken, Switzerland, 2008).

  22. Moloko, L.E. and Belal, M.G.A.H., “Improved SAFARI-1 research reactor irradiation position modeling in OSCAR-3 code system”, 2009 1st International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications, IEEE (June 2009), 1–7. doi:10.1109/ANIMMA.2009.5503688.

  23. Prinsloo, R.H. et al., “An Automated Cross Section Parameterization Method for MTR Application”, International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods & Reactor Physics (M&C 2009) (Saratoga Springs, New York: American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL, 2009).

  24. Tomašević, D.I. and Müller, E.Z., “An Extension of the Multigroup Analytic Nodal Method (MANM) to Problems in Hexagonal-z Geometry”, International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods & Reactor Physics (M&C 2009) (Saratoga Springs,New York: American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL, 2009).

  25. Adetula, B.A. and Bokov, P.M., “Efficiency of different numerical techniques for evaluating global sensitivity indices when input variables are correlated and normally distributed”, Proceedings of SAIP2010, the 55th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics (CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa, 2010).

  26. Adetula, B.A. and Bokov, P.M., “Method for Calculation of Global Sensitivity Indices for Few-Group Cross-Section-Dependent Problems”, International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2011) (Rio de Janeiro: Latin American Section (LAS) / American Nuclear Society (ANS), 2011), 1–20.

  27. Botes, D. and Bokov, P.M., “Hierarchical, Multilinear Representation of Few-Group Cross Sections on Sparse Grids”, in International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2011) (Rio de Janeiro: Latin American Section (LAS) / American Nuclear Society (ANS), 2011).

  28. Moloko, L.E., Korochinsky, S., and Van Rooyen, T.J., “Impact of beryllium reflector ageing on SAFARI-1 reactor core parameters”, International Topical Meeting on Research Reactor Fuel Management (RRFM2011) (Rome, Italy: European Nuclear Society, 20–24 March 2011).

  29. Bokov, P.M., Botes, D., and Zimin, V.G., “Pseudospectral Chebyshev Representation of Few-Group Cross Sections on Sparse Grids”, PHYSOR 2012 Advances in Reactor Physics Linking Research, Industry, and Education Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, April 15-20, 2012, on CD-ROM, (Knoxville, Tennessee, USA: American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL, 2012), 268–282.

  30. Schlünz, E.B., Bokov, P.M., and Prinsloo, R.H., “Application of a harmony search algorithm to the core fuel reload optimisation problem for the SAFARI-1 nuclear research reactor”, Proceedings of the 2012 ORSSA Annual Conference, ed. E.J. Willemse et al. (Aloe Ridge Hotel, Muldersdrift, South Africa, 2012), 1–9.

  31. Erasmus, B., and Van Heerden, F.A., “The Lattice Boltzmann Method applied to neutron transport”, International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering (M&C 2013), (Sun Valley, Idaho, USA: American Nuclear Society, 2013), 1335–45.

  32. Schlünz, E.B., Prinsloo, R.H., and Bokov, P.M., “In-core fuel management optimisation within theOSCAR-4 code system”, in European Research Reactor Conference (RRFM-2013) (Saint Petersburg, Russia: European Nuclear Society, 2013), 381–390,

  33. Moloko, L.E., D’Aletto, C., and Di Salvo, J., “Adaptation of ANUBIS scheme to SAFARI-1 core characterization”, 16h meeting of the International Group On Research Reactors (IGORR 16) (Bariloche, Argentina, 17–21 November 2014).

  34. Schlünz, E.B., Bokov, P.M., and Van Vuuren, J.H., “Research Reactor In-Core Fuel Management Optimization Using the Multiobjective Cross-Entropy Method”, PHYSOR 2014 - The Role of Reactor Physics toward a Sustainable Future (The Westin Miyako Kyoto Hotel, Kyoto, Japan, September 28 – October 3, 2014), 15.

  35. Chifamba, S. et al., “Representation of the few-group homogenized cross sections of a MOX fuel assembly”, Proceedings of SAIP2014, the 59th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, ed. S. Karataglidis and Ch. Engelbrecht (Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg, 2015), 163–168.

  36. Erasmus, B. et al., “A full core homogenization approach using serpent as a cross section generation tool for the OSCAR-4 code system”, Transactions of the European Research Reactor Conference (RRFM 2015) (Bucharest, Romania: European Nuclear Society, 19–23 April 2015), 667.

  37. Groenewald, S.A. and Bokov, P.M., “Propagation of uncertainty from fine-group cross-section data through lattice physics calculations for the SAFARI-1 research reactor”, in Transactions of the European Research Reactor Conference (RRFM 2015) (Bucharest, Romania: European Nuclear Society, 19–23 April 2015), 281–290.

  38. Schlünz, E.B., Bokov, P.M., and Van Vuuren, J.H., “Application of artificial neural networks for predicting core parameters for the SAFARI-1 nuclear research reactor”, Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Operations Research Society of South Africa, ed. H.A. Kruger et al. (Hartbeespoort: Operations Research Society of South Africa, 2015), 12–22.

  39. Schlünz, E.B., Bokov, P.M., and Van Vuuren, J.H., “On multiobjective optimisation approaches for in-core fuel management optimisation”, 5th Topical Meeting on Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management, ANFM 2015: Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management V (2015), 94–104.

  40. Moloko, L.E., “The 2D Static Benchmark Calculations for the SAFARI-1 Research Reactor Core Characterisation”, Physics of Reactors 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century, PHYSOR 2016, American Nuclear Society (Sun Valley Resort, Idaho, USA, 1–5 May 2016).

  41. Schlünz, E.B. et al., “In-core fuel management optimisation of the HOR reactor using the OSCAR-4 code system”, Transactions of the European Research Reactor Conference (RRFM/IGORR 2016), (Berlin: European Nuclear Society, 2016), 462–472.

  42. Prinsloo, R.H. et al., “Recent developments of the OSCAR calculational system, as applied to selected examples from IAEA research reactor benchmarks”, 18th meeting of the International Group On Research Reactors (IGORR18) (Sydney, Australia, 2017), 1–15.

  43. Bokov, P.M., Botes, D., and Groenewald, S.A., “Table lookup of nodal equivalence parameters with covariance data”, PHYTRA4 - The Fourth International Conference on Physics and Technology of Reactors and Applications (Marrakech, Morocco: GMTR, Rabat, Morocco, 2018), 774–82.

  44. Mudau, R., Botes, D., and Van Heerden, F.A., “Numerical modelling of control rod calibrations and fuel depletion at the OPAL research reactor”, The Proceedings of SAIP2017, the 62nd Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, ed. J. Engelbrecht (The South African Institute of Physics (SAIP), 31 December 2018), 344–349.

  45. Bokov, P.M., Botes, D., and Tomašević, D.I., “Estimation of corner flux in rectangular geometry”, International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2019) (Portland, Oregon, 2019), 2002–2012.

  1. Müller, E.Z., “Development of an Environment-Insensitive PWR Radial Reflector Model Applicable to Modern Nodal Reactor Analysis Methods”, PhD thesis (Potchefstroom, South Africa: Faculty of Natural Sciences, Potchefstroom University for CHE, 1989).

  2. Joubert, W.R., “Efficient Solution of Interface Partial Current Equations by Rigorous Conversion to Nodal Formulation”, PhD thesis (Potchefstroom, South Africa: Faculty of Natural Sciences, Potchefstroom University for CHE, 1992).

  3. Vogel, D.L., “The Transverse Leakage Iterative Solution of the Multigroup Analytic Nodal Reactor Equations”, PhD thesis (Johannesburg, South Africa: Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, 1992).

  4. Van Graan, H., “Parameterization of Few-Group Cross Sections for Reactor Diffusion Calculations”, Magister Scientiae thesis (Potchestroom, South Africa: Faculty of Natural Sciences, Potchestroom University for CHE, 1995).

  5. Krüger, P.P., “Numerical Methods to Solve the Fuel Depletion Equations for a Nuclear Reactor”, MSc thesis (Potchestroom, South Africa: Faculty of Natural Sciences, Potchestroom University for CHE, 2004).

  6. Moloko, L.E., “Improvement and Validation of OSCAR-3 Usage in SAFARI-1 Core Modelling”, MSc thesis (North-West University, Potchefstroom, 2007).

  7. Adetula, B.A., “Global Sensitivity Analysis of Reactor Parameters”, MSc Thesis (North-West University, Potchefstroom, 2011), 65.

  8. Moloko, L.E., “Impact of Beryllium Reflector Ageing on SAFARI-1 Reactor Core Parameters”, MSc thesis (North-West University, Potchefstroom, 2011).

  9. Botes, D., “Few-group Cross Section Representation Based on Sparse Grid Methods”, MSc thesis (Potchefstroom, South Africa: North-West University, 2012).

  10. Erasmus, B., “The Lattice Boltzmann Method Applied to Linear Particle Transport”, MSc thesis (Potchefstroom, South Africa: North-West University, 2012).

  11. Prinsloo, R.H., “A Practical Implementation of the Higher-Order Transverse Integrated Nodal Diffusion Method”, PhD thesis (North-West University, Potchefstroom, 2012).

  12. Chifamba, S., “A Study of the Performance of a Sparse Grid Cross Section Representation Methodology as Applied to MOX Fuel”, MA thesis (University of Johannesburg, 2014).

  13. Schlünz, E.B., “Multiobjective In-Core Fuel Management Optimisation for Nuclear Research Reactors”, PhD thesis (Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University, Dec. 2016).