Your First OSCAR-5 Run
This tutorial acts as the first contact for new OSCAR-5 users regarding hands-on use of the modelling platform and some of the associated codes. The OSCAR-5 system uses a multi-code approach to solve reactor physics problems, and as such employs a code independent modelling philosophy. This tutorial aims to give an impression of the overall workflow employed in OSCAR-5 and introduces some of the codes involved. A simple single fuel assembly reactor is used in this tutorial as demonstration of the various steps involved in performing reactor analysis in OSCAR-5. The user is required to work through the basic steps, from building a component model, then a core model, and finally deploying the model to multiple codes for performing a simple flux calculation. It is important to note that in this tutorial the usage of the underlying codes (for which input is generated) is not discussed in detail and the user is referred to the manuals of these specific codes for more details. In this tutorial, all input sets are provided, and the user simply has to execute the various steps during each part of the process. Some time is spent on viewing input and output, and on highlighting important file types and conventions.