OSCAR-5 System Overview

Introduction to the OSCAR-5 Interface

Discussion of the OSCAR-5 code interface and how users can use and interact with the system. Introduction to basic Python environment.

OSCAR-5 Benchmarks and Validation Database

Brief description of the verification and validation database distributed with the OSCAR-5 system.

OSCAR-5 Target Code: Nodal Solver

Brief overview of nodal diffusion theory for reactor modelling and a description of the OSCAR-5 nodal diffusion solver MGRAC.

OSCAR-5 Target Code: Monte Carlo Solvers

Brief overview of the Monte Carlo codes Serpent and MCNP and a description of the OSCAR-5 interface to these codes.

The OSCAR-5 Development Team

Introduction to the OSCAR-5 development team at the Radiation and Reactor Theory Section at Necsa.

OSCAR-5 Research Projects

Overview of current OSCAR-5 related research projects at RR