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About OSCAR-5


The OSCAR code suite is a reactor calculational system developed at Necsa, South Africa. OSCAR-5 offers multi-code, multi-physics support for reactor analysis, with the primary aim to allow the use of fit-for-purpose tools in support of reactor operations.

The system is primarily used to support the operation of the SAFARI-1 research reactor at Necsa, South Africa, but is also applied at various other international research reactors, such as HOR (TU-Delft, The Netherlands), HFR (NRG, The Netherlands) and MNR (McMaster University, Canada) as a reactor core-follow and core reload design tool.

The OSCAR-5 system is built around the concept of a code-independent, consistent reactor core model. This model is deployable to an extendable set of integrated target codes and manages the passing of data between these target codes. For example, for neutronic assessment, integrated codes include our in-house OSCAR nodal solver MGRAC, as well as standard industry support codes such as Serpent and MCNP.

To better serve the nodal package, OSCAR-5 also introduces a number of improvements to the front end of the calculational path. This includes additional lattice code options and a theoretically consistent step by step approach to move from a detailed heterogeneous model to an energy condensed homogeneous model. The system gives feedback at each step, to help the user improve the nodal model and to quantify the final error estimate associated with the model.

A database of research and power reactor models is also distributed with OSCAR-5. This database can be used for code verification and validation, illustration of some of the best practices for the system, to model various plant configurations and how the multi-code approach allows for powerful and synergistic reactor modelling support.

The Radiation and Reactor Theory (RRT)

The Radiation and Reactor Theory (RRT) Section at Necsa, housed within the Research and Technology Development Division, performs all nuclear modelling and simulations for the Necsa site in the areas of nuclear reactor analysis, shielding, criticality, activation and thermal-hydraulics. RRT also hosts the development of the OSCAR reactor calculational system, and provides training and support for its local and international usage. The photo shows a RRT group photo taken in 2019.

About Necsa

The South African Nuclear Energy Corporation SOC Limited (Necsa) is mandated to undertake and promote research and development in the field of nuclear energy and radiation sciences and technology. The company is also responsible for processing source material, special nuclear material and restricted material and to reprocess and enrich these.

Subject to approval by the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, who is the sole shareholder representing the South African Government, Necsa co-operates with any person or institution in matters falling within its mandated functions. Necsa is committed to carrying out its mandate in a manner that strictly adheres to all the measures that are put in place to protect the environment and the people of South Africa.

Necsa further operates the SAFARI-1 nuclear research reactor, used for various industrial and research related applications. The photo shows the building housing SAFARI-1.