Running core-follow and reload applications with OSCAR-5
In earlier tutorials, you have spent most effort in these tutorials on developing reactor models. We now depart from that somewhat, and focus on some calculational applications for real world reactor problems. As part of your OSCAR-5 distribution you will note that a series of full reactor benchmark problems are included. These serve many purposes, such as support to verification and validation of OSCAR-5, training of users as well as demonstration of the typical usage of more advanced features in the code. These benchmarks also provide you with a good starting point for modelling your own reactor, as many different designs are covered in these test prob-
lems. There is a specific user guide covering these problems which you will see later. However, in this tutorial, we will move away from the tutorial space you have been using up to now, and perform the steps described here on the SAFARI-1 validation problem included in the bench-mark set. This reactor and experimental description originates from a published IAEA database
for research reactor code validation (which is also the case with the other benchmarks distributed with OSCAR-5). In this tutorial you will be briefly introduced to the SAFARI-1 benchmark problem, and then perform a series of typical analysis activities such as core-follow and reload analysis, which can then be compared directly to plant data.