The latest release of OSCAR-5 (v 1.2) is available for download and installation as from June 2021. Please see the Getting Started section on how to download and install the latest version.
New features in the code-independent platform (called OSCAR-5/Rapyds), such as support for various SMR designs, much improved multi-code interfacing for core design type calculations, a Total Monte Carlo based uncertainty propagation model and much improved internal documentation generation features. Additional detail in additions to Rapyds include:
Full migration to Python 3 while maintaining backwards compatibility with existing binary data archives.
Reworked the geometry algorithms so that the multi-processor management is now done in python. Mesh completion algorithm now also faster and more stable.
Expanded the MCNP support (e.g. auto flux normalisation to power, rod calibration calculations etc.).
Added the ability to specify (fairly comprehensive) flux responses. Output can also be visualised as mesh overlay in the model viewer.
Added support for HTR geometries (pebble and prismatic) as well as dispersed particle distributions (HCP, random, and gravity deposition using YADE).
Added a sampling framework which can be used to create model perturbations for uncertainty propagation studies.
Re-worked the documentation system to be true sphinx extensions, and added many additional directives. All application modes can now make use of the documentation system.
Implemented a validation framework and database, capable of storing validation results for any code attached to the system. Also treats verification cases (code to code comparison), which is something rapyds excels at. Integrates with the documentation system so that database reports and queries can be included in a document.
Numerous bug fixes and interface enhancements.
New features in the nodal solver (called OSCAR-5/MGRAC), such as thermal-hydraulic feedback for plate type fuel, inclusion of a hot-plate safety model for research reactors, a perturbation model for uncertainty propagation, improve convergence behaviour for control rod searches and improved stability in the axial homogenization model.
Many general stability improvements and bug fixes.